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Spatial attention can transfer to the contralateral hemisphere in neonatal stroke patients: a case report following hemispherectomy  期刊论文  

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    NEUROCASE ISSN:1355-4794 2013 年 19 卷 2 期 (145 - 149) ; APR 1
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  • 摘要:

    Patients suffer hemispatial neglect after stroke. However, whether the function of spatial attention is reorganized to the contralateral brain remains poorly understood. Here we present a case report of neonatal stroke to demonstrate the reorganization of spatial attention in the contralateral hemisphere using a series of tests including star cancellation task, line bisection test, the bells test, letter cancellation test, and drawing tests. The patient underwent right hemispherectomy for treatment of refractory epilepsy and did not have hemispatial neglect after surgery, supporting transfer of function prior to the operation. After analyzing the literature in this field, we proposed that the function of spatial attention may transfer to the contralateral side in childhood. Thus, this study sheds new light on the preserved function of spatial attention in neonatal stroke patients even when hemispherectomy is performed.

  • 推荐引用方式
    GB/T 7714:
    Zhu Zhanpeng,Cui Yu,Zhu Xiaobo, et al. Spatial attention can transfer to the contralateral hemisphere in neonatal stroke patients: a case report following hemispherectomy [J].NEUROCASE,2013,19(2):145-149.
  • APA:
    Zhu Zhanpeng,Cui Yu,Zhu Xiaobo,Song Hongmei,&Qiu Jiqing.(2013).Spatial attention can transfer to the contralateral hemisphere in neonatal stroke patients: a case report following hemispherectomy .NEUROCASE,19(2):145-149.
  • MLA:
    Zhu Zhanpeng, et al. "Spatial attention can transfer to the contralateral hemisphere in neonatal stroke patients: a case report following hemispherectomy" .NEUROCASE 19,2(2013):145-149.
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