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Intramuscular hemangioma within the biceps brachii causing the limitations of elbow extension and forearm pronation A case report  期刊论文  

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    MEDICINE ISSN:0025-7974 2019 年 98 卷 5 期 ; FEB
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  • 摘要:

    Rationale: Intramuscular hemangiomas are rare benign vascular neoplasms, merely accounting for 0.8% of all hemangiomas. Moreover, there are few case reports of intramuscular hemangiomas in the upper extremities.
    Patient concerns: A 24-year-old male patient presented with a 5-year history of intermittent pain of the right elbow joint. He had observed a swelling of the right cubital fossa over the past 2 years, leading to the limitations of elbow extension and forearm pronation.
    Diagnosis: The patient was diagnosed with intramuscular hemangioma of the biceps brachii.
    Interventions: Surgical excision of the tumor was performed for this patient and postoperative early functional exercises were permitted.
    Outcomes: The movements of the right elbow and forearm reached the normal range of motion at 5 weeks after surgery. There was no evidence of recurrence during the 5-month follow-up. Lessons: Optimal management of intramuscular hemangioma is critical, including precise evaluation, good microsurgical technique and early functional exercises, which may result in a satisfying outcome.

  • 推荐引用方式
    GB/T 7714:
    Liu Yang,Li Ruijun,Liu Zhigang, et al. Intramuscular hemangioma within the biceps brachii causing the limitations of elbow extension and forearm pronation A case report [J].MEDICINE,2019,98(5).
  • APA:
    Liu Yang,Li Ruijun,Liu Zhigang,Wang Shuang,&Lu Laijin.(2019).Intramuscular hemangioma within the biceps brachii causing the limitations of elbow extension and forearm pronation A case report .MEDICINE,98(5).
  • MLA:
    Liu Yang, et al. "Intramuscular hemangioma within the biceps brachii causing the limitations of elbow extension and forearm pronation A case report" .MEDICINE 98,5(2019).
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