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Clinical Efficacy of a Modified Nagata Method That Retains the Fascia Pedicle of the Mastoid Skin Flap in Auricular Reconstruction of Chinese Microtia Patients  期刊论文  

  • 编号:
  • 作者:
    Wang, WangShu(王望舒)#Yan, DongMei;Chen, JunYang;Zhang, Duo;Shao, Ying;Peng, WeiHai(彭维海)*[1]
  • 语种:
  • 期刊:
    PLASTIC AND RECONSTRUCTIVE SURGERY ISSN:0032-1052 2016 年 137 卷 3 期 (977 - 979) ; MAR
  • 收录:
  • 摘要:

    The purpose of this study was to search for an enhanced blood supply in the distal edge of the skin at the mastoid area in total auricular reconstruction. The authors modified the Nagata method by reserving a subcutaneous fascia pedicle (diameter, 3 to 5 mm) at the intersection of the point 11 to 13 mm from the residual ear tragus (or tragus projection) and 8 to 10 mm from the lowest point of the residual ear lobe. Compared with the traditional Nagata method group, the modified Nagata method group that retained the fascia pedicle of the mastoid skin flap had higher rates of excellent and good flaps (p < 0.05). Auricular reconstruction with the modified Nagata method, retaining the fascia pedicle of the mastoid skin flap, had a reduced incidence of skin flap necrosis.

  • 推荐引用方式
    GB/T 7714:
    Wang Wang-Shu,Yan Dong-Mei,Chen Jun-Yang, et al. Clinical Efficacy of a Modified Nagata Method That Retains the Fascia Pedicle of the Mastoid Skin Flap in Auricular Reconstruction of Chinese Microtia Patients [J].PLASTIC AND RECONSTRUCTIVE SURGERY,2016,137(3):977-979.
  • APA:
    Wang Wang-Shu,Yan Dong-Mei,Chen Jun-Yang,Zhang Duo,&Peng Wei-Hai.(2016).Clinical Efficacy of a Modified Nagata Method That Retains the Fascia Pedicle of the Mastoid Skin Flap in Auricular Reconstruction of Chinese Microtia Patients .PLASTIC AND RECONSTRUCTIVE SURGERY,137(3):977-979.
  • MLA:
    Wang Wang-Shu, et al. "Clinical Efficacy of a Modified Nagata Method That Retains the Fascia Pedicle of the Mastoid Skin Flap in Auricular Reconstruction of Chinese Microtia Patients" .PLASTIC AND RECONSTRUCTIVE SURGERY 137,3(2016):977-979.
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