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An Effective Approach to Prevent Immune Rejection of Human ESC-Derived Allografts  期刊论文  

  • 编号:
  • 作者:
    Rong, Zhili(荣知立)#[2]Wang, Meiyan[1,2];Hu, Zheng(胡正)[3]Stradner, Martin[2];Zhu, Shengyun[1,2];Kong, Huijuan[2];Yi, Huanfa(伊焕发)[3]Goldrath, Ananda[2];Yang, YongGuang(杨永广)[3,4]Xu, Yang(徐洋)*[2]Fu, Xuemei(付雪梅)*[1,5]
  • 语种:
  • 期刊:
    CELL STEM CELL ISSN:1934-5909 2014 年 14 卷 1 期 (121 - 130) ; JAN 2
  • 收录:
  • 摘要:

    Human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) hold great promise for cell therapy as a source of diverse differentiated cell types. One key bottleneck to realizing such potential is allogenic immune rejection of hESC-derived cells by recipients. Here, we optimized humanized mice (Hu-mice) reconstituted with a functional human immune system that mounts a vigorous rejection of hESCs and their derivatives. We established knockin hESCs that constitutively express CTLA4-Ig and PD-L1 before and after differentiation, denoted CP hESCs. We then demonstrated that allogenic CP hESC-derived teratomas, fibroblasts, and cardiomyocytes are immune protected in Hu-mice, while cells derived from parental hESCs are effectively rejected. Expression of both CTLA4-Ig, which disrupts T cell costimulatory pathways, and PD-L1, which activates T cell inhibitory pathway, is required to confer immune protection, as neither was sufficient on their own. These findings are instrumental for developing a strategy to protect hESC-derived cells from allogenic immune responses without requiring systemic immune suppression.

  • 推荐引用方式
    GB/T 7714:
    Rong Zhili,Wang Meiyan,Hu Zheng, et al. An Effective Approach to Prevent Immune Rejection of Human ESC-Derived Allografts [J].CELL STEM CELL,2014,14(1):121-130.
  • APA:
    Rong Zhili,Wang Meiyan,Hu Zheng,Stradner Martin,&Fu Xuemei.(2014).An Effective Approach to Prevent Immune Rejection of Human ESC-Derived Allografts .CELL STEM CELL,14(1):121-130.
  • MLA:
    Rong Zhili, et al. "An Effective Approach to Prevent Immune Rejection of Human ESC-Derived Allografts" .CELL STEM CELL 14,1(2014):121-130.
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